Feature Extractor


This value specifies how the tool will search the calibration image for calibration vertex points. This method must match the type of calibration plate that you are using.

  • Standard

    VisionPro supports this mode for existing applications but does not recommend this for new applications. For checkerboard plates with Cognex 'L' fiducial marks or without a fiducial mark, use Exhaustive or Efficient. For checkerboard plates with DataMatrix fiducials, use Exhaustive Multi Region or Efficient Multi Region.

  • Exhaustive

    This mode provides the most robust feature extraction possible for checkerboard plates (with or without the Cognex "L" fiducial marks) but requires the longest time to execute. Choose the Efficient mode for generally faster processing times.

  • Exhaustive Multi Region

    This mode provides the most robust feature extraction possible for checkerboard calibration plates with DataMatrix fiducial marks but requires the longest time to execute. Choose the Efficient Multi Region mode for generally faster processing times. This method can tolerate partial occlusion of plate features from reflections or other issues, as long as the fiducial marks are visible.

  • Efficient

    This mode provides generally good calibration results for checkerboard plates (with or without the Cognex "L" fiducial marks) in less time than Exhaustive mode, provided certain conditions apply.

  • Efficient Multi Region

    This mode provides generally good calibration results for checkerboard plates with DataMatrix fiducial marks in less time than CheckerboardExhaustiveMultiRegion mode, provided certain conditions apply.

Label Mode

This value specifies the type and characteristics of the fiducial marks on the calibration plate.


Not all combinations of algorithm and label mode are valid. If you enter an invalid combination, the tool will generate an error at calibration time.

  • None

    Use this value for calibration plates with no fiducial marks. The Calibration tool will use the tile vertex or dot center that is closest to the center of the image as the origin and will assign the positive x-axis and y-axis to the grid lines which are closest in angle to the x-axis and y-axis in the pixel coordinate space of the calibration image.

  • UseOrigin

    This specifies that the vertex closest to a designated origin location be used as the origin of the Plate2D coordinate system. The designated origin can be set using the properties Origin X and Origin Y. The direction of the axes is set exactly as in None label mode.

  • UseFiducial

    This specifies that the plate uses a single standard Cognex 'L' fiducial mark to be located and used for setting the Plate2D coordinate system.

  • UseDataMatrix

    This specifies that standard Data Matrix codes are to be used as calibration fiducials that are uniquely identifiable in the calibration target. This mode will ignore any information about the physical grid pitch that may be encoded in the Data Matrix codes, and will instead use Physical Grid Pitch X and Y properties.

  • UseDataMatrixWithGridPitch

    This specifies that the plate includes Cognex-compatible DataMatrix fiducial marks, each of which specifies the coordinates of the mark in the plate's 2D coordinate system and the grid pitch in mm.

    If you specify this mode, the tool ignores any grid pitch values that you supply.